The Whydah

February 19th, 2013 § 1,098 comments § permalink

The eggs she lays are white, like her host’s.

The whydah lays her two to four eggs in a pytilia’s nest. When her chicks hatch, the male learns to sing his caretaker’s song, while the female learns to recognise it. Their parasitic relationship and recent speciation is perpetuated with the perfect imitation of a melody.

Recently I’ve been thinking about how elegant the balance between altruistic and selfish animals is. A single parasite, having more to lose, can devastate an idyllic society of forgiving animals. The selfish multiply and consume the resources. They eventually run out of animals to take advantage of, however, and this new majority quickly declines. An increase of kinder animals occurs, this time more wary and sharp.

Meanwhile, the remaining parasites return with relentless ambition. Part of it is tragic, because they are born out of a genetic code that pressures selfish behaviour, facing extinction if they deny their tradition.

From the Deception series!


The Artist Project 2013

February 18th, 2013 § 1,076 comments § permalink

I will be at The Artist Project this week! Last year was a lot of fun and I met some accomplished artists so I am delighted to be participating again this year. I will be showing a new series and some new pieces, stop by for a look if you have time, okay okay?

February 21 – Sunday, February 24

Thursday:  7PM – 10PM (Opening Night, 19+ Event)
Friday:  12PM – 8PM
Saturday:  11AM – 8PM
Sunday:  11AM – 6PM

Better Living Centre
195 Princes’ Boulevard, Exhibition Place
Toronto, ON


Odette IV

February 18th, 2013 § 1,034 comments § permalink

The cuckoo, the bee orchid and the white swan

Part of the Deception series <- click to read description!


The Spoke Club: Deception

January 31st, 2013 § 2,965 comments § permalink

Hello! Hello! I wanted to invite you to the opening reception of “Deception” with Navillus Gallery at The Spoke Club, where my work will be featured on the fourth floor! It is on Wednesday, February 6th from 6:30-8:30 PM, 600 King St W and will be open bar. Please RSVP to

The Spoke Club is on the King West strip in a beautiful historical brick building. It is designed as a space for professionals in entertainment, art and media to meet and eat, so I am very excited. The first time I went was tricky because I passed it three times… it’s located on the upper levels. When you enter 600 King Street, you will see an elevator directly in front and please select the fourth floor. I look forward to seeing you there! Maybe!

Also, I’ve been busy preparing for The Artist Project (February 21-24) and will post some work up soon. Here’s a pic of one of the pieces I am working on!

*UPDATE* Navillus Gallery posted pictures and an article about the reception. Click here to see!


Rogers TV

November 24th, 2012 § 2,098 comments § permalink

Rogers TV’s Culture Conduct features Toronto art and entertainment events, and I am very excited to be a part of this week’s programme! Host and producer, Temo Primrose Gare, had a sit down interview with me at Navillus Gallery about the show and inspirations I reference in the pieces. It will air for the first time this Monday, November 26, at 7:30 PM on the Rogers channel, for most areas it is channel 10.

It will also be played throughout the week:
Tuesday 7:00 AM
Wednesday 6:00 AM
Thursday 9:30 PM

For more information, please visit Culture Conduct’s page:

And Navillus Gallery’s press section:


October 25th, 2012 § 2,135 comments § permalink

Art Toronto is happening right now! I am so honoured to have a few pieces in the show this year with Mary Conover and  Patricia Avellan at Navillus Gallery’s booth, 432.

From the Ontario Art Gallery’s website: “As Canada’s premier fair for modern and contemporary art, Art Toronto is a celebration of some of the world’s best contemporary artists and an opportunity for new artists to be discovered. Art Toronto is one of the most successful art fairs in North America and the Opening Night Preview is a not-to-be-missed event on Toronto’s cultural calendar.”

Opening Night Preview is tonight and the show will run until Monday. Tickets can be bought at the door in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (North Building, Exhibit Hall A & B 255 Front Street West), or with a $2 discount online at the Art Toronto website and the Ontario Art Gallery website.


Friday October 26 12 – 8pm
Saturday October 27 12 – 8pm
Sunday October 28 12 – 6pm
Monday October 29 12 – 6pm


Hedgehog in the Fog

October 22nd, 2012 § 18,792 comments § permalink

This past summer, I was commissioned to design a tattoo of the hedgehog from the beautiful Soviet/Russian animated film by Yurij Norshteyn. It is about a hedgehog going to visit his friend, the bear cub. They like to drink tea and count the stars, and today he is bringing bear some rasberry jam. I have attached a youtube link of the 1975 animation, it is really special!



October 19th, 2012 § 10,969 comments § permalink


I wanted to thank all who came out on Thursday night to the opening reception at Navillus Gallery! I enjoyed meeting everyone and seeing old friends. To have a look at photos of opening night (and if you were there maybe see your photo too!), check out the album on the gallery’s facebook page.

The exhibition will be up until December 2nd, so please feel free to drop by the gallery to have a look at the two new series (swans and oil paintings), as well as the doe, king of speed and animal citizens series! The gallery did an amazing job condensing my descriptions onto the labels. If it interests you, I would be very happy to come in to talk more about the work and my process, inspirations and resources. Please e-mail the gallery or me to arrange it 🙂

The gallery hours are:

Tuesday-Saturday: 10:00AM to 6:00 PM

Number: +1 (416) 921-6467

E-mail: or

I also want to thank you for the flowers, encouraging messages and baked goods!


Blue Blood IV

October 11th, 2012 § Comments Off on Blue Blood IV § permalink

From the “King of Speed” series.

As with all drawings in this series, I used a nib to draw the original cheetah. For IV, I burned the image of the cheetah onto a silkscreen and printed him until the ink started to clog the stencil. I especially like the last image, where the stencil clogged the area around his waist. His long, lean body looks exaggerated and sickly. Please click HERE to read my description of this series.

I recently became interested in King Charles II, the last of the Hapsburg Spanish line. The House of Hapsburg began in the 10th century, gradually gaining influence and territory via strategic marriages. The pinnacle of their empire came in the 1500s, with King Charles V, whose empire spanned across Europe, the Far East and the Americas. It was around this time that the Hapsburg family, the royal descendants of Spain, Austria and Bavaria, stopped outbreeding. Consequentially, King Charles II was the ultimate product of severe inbreeding. He suffered from many physical and mental disabilities, and was unfit to rule and produce offspring. He died in 1700 and the Hapsburg strategy of marriage to increase their power, in the end, became the reason for their extinction.

The silkscreen is the first printing method in which colour was an option, so I decided to mix a deep blue and silver, making a reference to the English idiom “blue blood” for royal lineage. I liked the idea of printing with imaginary blue blood because even though it is beautiful and iridescent, it succumbs to the physicality of the printing method, just like anything else.

The show opening at Navillus Gallery is tomorrow and this royal guy will be there! I am very excited and I’ll see you soon!


Navillus Gallery

September 28th, 2012 § 2,685 comments § permalink

Hello! I am very thrilled to announce that my work will be exhibiting at the beautiful Navillus Gallery! Opening night for the show, “Deception”, is on Thursday, October 11 and will be from 6-8 pm at 110 Davenport Road (downtown Toronto, Yorkville area). Animal friends that will be there include wolves, bees, giant animal citizen prints and two new series I’ve been working on this summer. Thank-you for all your support and hope to see you at the opening!

To see works that will be exhibited, please click here:

For more information on the show, here is a link to the Navillus Gallery exhibition page:


I am also very honoured to be exhibiting with American artist, Caroline Wright! Please click on her name to see her beautiful pieces.

