Wedding Party

April 29th, 2011 § 1,898 comments § permalink

Did you wake up at 5AM too?

Isn’t he handsome with his gold braids and third sword (his horns are the other two!)? He had intended on charging another male, but I’m glad he decided to bow to his lady before their first dance.

This wildabeest is from the Angry Party series.



April 25th, 2011 § 1,036 comments § permalink

During our vacation on the Galapagos Islands we  visited a farm where tortoises roam freely. Visitors are also allowed to roam freely so I squatted near one, about 30 ft away, and watched him eat grass.

Tortoises really do move in slow-mo and the sound of their breathing is steady and hollow, like Darth Vader! To my amazement, this tortoise  started feeding in my direction and would occasionally make eye contact. At the time I felt like I should appear and breathe similarly so that I would not alarm him and hopefully attract him even nearer.

"Hares are awful, aren't they?"

Or perhaps he was rather more interested by my dissimilarity, like I was with his. Was he merely curious? Did he wonder what was so stinky? Do tortoises investigate with their mouths? As he got even closer, my excitement mutated into nervousness. I fixated on his eyes and worried over not understanding his intentions. He continued to advance (Zzzzzzz), and at last I made a sharp movement. I panicked because…he was too alien.

Immediately, he hissed and sucked his head into his shell.

I flinched because I believed our minds were too disconnected. And yet, once he recoiled I knew we were at least on the same chicken wavelength. I still wonder what would have happened.



April 21st, 2011 § 1,122 comments § permalink

Thank-you thank-you thank-you to old friends and new friends

click on the image to see the photos larger!

It was rewarding to curate the best work from these past two years and to see them fill a space. Reception of the work was all good (because really, I don’t think people just go up to artists and tell them their work sucks). What I mean to say is that I’m thrilled that some expo guests took the time to look at my mark making and read my statements, which is the best I could have hoped for!

detail from "Elude"

I am grateful for the opportunity to meet other artists and especially to talk with my teachers, Andrea Maguire and Stephen Yau. Special appreciation for my free labourers, the booth mate (who many mistook for the artist), and the technician, photographer, and food deliverer, Moomoo and Doodoo!



April 14th, 2011 § 3,393 comments § permalink

Emus, like Belgian lace, are a very special kind. She is a flightless bird, although affords the splendorous luxury of loose feathers. Certainly she is one to appreciate the extravagance of handmade lace from Brussels. She has a good eye for these delicacies and, like the rest of her species, very much enjoy observing human activity, particularly one that is also endemic to its own country.

I like to swallow rocks to make food even finer


P.S. Come say hello at the Toronto Art Expo from April 14-17! I will be exhibiting and selling original work (although I also have made an edition of four prints!). Other friends that will be there are Birds on a Wire, Doe, Cheetahs, Beastly, Bull Terriers, angry dancers, and elusive lions!

info for how to get there and stuff:

the first one

April 9th, 2011 § 547 comments § permalink

At Freedom CC Gallery

animal party!

Thanks to friends and new friends, and also special thank-you to Marsya, the curator!



April 5th, 2011 § 985 comments § permalink

Hi hi hi!! From April 8- May 3, I will be exhibiting in a group show called “Characters” at Freedom Clothing Collective Gallery! The opening reception is at 8 PM this Fridee and the gallery address is 939 Bloor Street West, near Ossington Avenue. If you are using TTC, you’ll be super close if you get off at Ossington station!

Link to their gallery blog and other details: CLICK

I am also featured on their newsletter!

from Freedom CC Gallery


C 220

April 2nd, 2011 § 1,047 comments § permalink

That’s my booth number at the Expo!

That’s all!



April 1st, 2011 § 6,479 comments § permalink

click for bigger!

The Toronto Art Expo sent me free tickets for the evening of April 15th, the Friday and second day of the show! They are intended for client appreciation, but I don’t have (that m)any, so if there is anybody who is planning on attending that Friday, please send an e-mail to by the 6th with your address so I can snail mail it to you!

One ticket admits two people from 4 PM to 9 PM.

Also, thank-you lots and lots for all the support!
