
August 30th, 2011 § 2,018 comments § permalink


detail, click to see larger!

detail, clickity click to see bigger



August 26th, 2011 § 1,035 comments § permalink

Carved animals



August 22nd, 2011 § 1,144 comments § permalink

Hi hi! I went to Pittsburgh’s National Aviary last week. I was around the penguins when it was feeding time. They were all waiting by the glass for some fish and followed my hands longingly  when I moved them. I could even direct them to look the right angle by moving my pen! Quite fun, was able to observe a lot of detail in real life, even more than while I was in Antarctica.

hungry penguins


Square Foot Show

August 5th, 2011 § 11,123 comments § permalink

Hello jellos! From today to August 21st I will be participating in AWOL Gallery’s 9th annual and original Square Foot Show! Artist / Public Reception is on Saturday at 7 PM, at the gallery, TWIST, 1100 Queen Street West.

Gallery hours are Wednesday to Saturday 12-7pm, Sundays 12-5. There will be a lot of artists and I think it will be fun!

All the work is 12×12 in, priced at $225.

You can try to spot my animarlzs!! Here be clues:

Head Piercing into Body

Pygmalion Tiger (this time with more staarrsss)

Maybe see you there?
