What’s up?

April 25th, 2012 § 2,222 comments § permalink

Hi hello! I wanted to post a little update on what I’ve been up to!

in progress!

I’ve been focusing on doing some research about animarllzzz (“Moral Lives of Animals” by Dale Peterson , “The Marvels of Animal Behaviour” by John Mcloughlin, BBC’s documentaries “Frozen Planet” and “Human Planet” and readings and visits about medieval art). I have also been busy experimenting with gold in combination with oil painting. Above is documentation of my progress, that is the third coat. I am looking forward to the depth and life that will be achieved after many more layers, like this copy I did in the Louvre:

"L'Enlevement de Psyche" by Pierre-Paul Prud'Hon copy from the Louvre

And so I have been busy making paint and mediums for a new body of work with recipes I learned when I studied abroad!

making medium and emulsion

I also participated in Take pART at Arta Gallery in the Distillery District last week and submitted a little oil on wooden panel of a princess parrot, an elusive birdie from Australia named in honour of Princess Alexandra of Denmark.

I’m very excited for the new body of work, stay tuned for details on where they will be showing! Thank-you for taking the time to visit my bloggie. I’ll have more stuff soooooooon!



April 5th, 2012 § 1,068 comments § permalink

A sketch of a rhinoceros!
