Navillus Gallery

September 28th, 2012 § 2,685 comments § permalink

Hello! I am very thrilled to announce that my work will be exhibiting at the beautiful Navillus Gallery! Opening night for the show, “Deception”, is on Thursday, October 11 and will be from 6-8 pm at 110 Davenport Road (downtown Toronto, Yorkville area). Animal friends that will be there include wolves, bees, giant animal citizen prints and two new series I’ve been working on this summer. Thank-you for all your support and hope to see you at the opening!

To see works that will be exhibited, please click here:

For more information on the show, here is a link to the Navillus Gallery exhibition page:


I am also very honoured to be exhibiting with American artist, Caroline Wright! Please click on her name to see her beautiful pieces.




September 27th, 2012 § 2,110 comments § permalink

Play is a seemingly innocent activity, compulsive to high functioning and social mammals. Engaging in play allows an existing social hierarchy to be briefly ignored, as the participants self-handicap and control themselves from inflicting real harm. Even so, play also prepares animals for that very adult ranking competition in the future. As they stalk and wrestle, they tone their motor skills for battle with their own and other species.

This impulse is an amazing social activity and a traditional piece of our behavioural repertoire. Evolution has formed this mandatory urge that prompts us to communicate, train the body, and to restrain. In a system of life that is cruel and unforgiving, it is also knowing and preparing us for something greater. It is an elegant and divine part of our mammal culture.

The foxes are glowing with gold as they participate in our common ritual. The use of gold is a reference to a medieval belief, when animals were understood as fellow sentient beings that had a connection with a great designer.


IIDEX and Sunset Boulevard Inc

September 19th, 2012 § 1,078 comments § permalink

Hi hi! IIDEX Canada, Canada’s national design + architecture exposition and conference is this Thursday and Friday (September 20-21).  It will take place at the Direct Energy Centre from 9am-6pm for both days. Sunset Boulevard Inc, booth #1240, will be showing some prints of my work!

