Canadian Wildlife Magazine

May 23rd, 2013 § 20,437 comments § permalink

My first editorial illustration is in the May/June issue of Canadian Wildlife Magazine! The article is called “What’s Up with with DFO?” and is written by Brian Banks.

The government is currently refocusing The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, worrying environmental and scientific communities as it closes programs and cuts important research, such as monitoring water temperature, pH and biodiversity, work that is rarely adopted by private sectors or universities. Instead, the government is prioritizing research that aids policy decisions and water and marine resources.

Even in high deer populations, wolves have been documented eating salmon during the run because they are convenient and a less dangerous prey. On the other hand, the bear is a keystone species as an ecosystem engineer and depend heavily on the salmon run. In the illustration, I have the wolf grabbing the salmon from the bear’s mouth as a metaphor. There is greater urgency in monitoring and conservation of our natural resources than focusing on making a profit from our country’s riches.

Beavers, Great Lakes and the bobolink, a songbird, are also featured in this issue of Canadian Wildlife Federation’s magazine. Thank-you to Canadian Wildlife for this opportunity!
