Iridescent plants
A second 22×30 in Replicators. Come see it sparkle at Art Toronto, booth 444 with Navillus Gallery!
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October 23rd, 2013 § 4,426 comments § permalink
Iridescent plants
A second 22×30 in Replicators. Come see it sparkle at Art Toronto, booth 444 with Navillus Gallery!
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October 22nd, 2013 § 1,056 comments § permalink
October 22nd, 2013 § 1,755 comments § permalink
Navillus Gallery will be exhibiting this weekend at Art Toronto, Canada’s only contemporary art fair. I am excited to be exhibiting my Replicators series with Kirk Mechar and Michael Adamson at booth 444!
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
North Building, Exhibit Hall A & B
255 Front Street West
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Special Collector’s Preview 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Opening Night Preview 6:30pm to 10:00pm
Friday October 25th to Monday October 28th, 2013
Friday & Saturday – Noon to 8pm
Sunday & Monday – Noon to 6pm
October 15th, 2013 § 10,134 comments § permalink
Last month I received a box of portrait 18 pastels, courtesy of Brody House, Unison Colour Soft Pastels and The Spoke Club!
My box contained 18 beautiful soft shades and they blended on the paper with a glow that reminded me of blurry Impressionist paintings. From October 19th to November 19th there will be an exhibition in Budapest at The Spoke Club’s reciprocal club, Brody House, for the best entries of the international Unison Pastel competition. I am honoured to be exhibiting in this year’s “Dance of Colour” show with so many international artists! If you happen to be in town on opening night, Kate Hershey, co-founder of Unison Colour, and Angela A’Court, artist, will be giving presentations on unison pastels history and as a contemporary medium.