Hear Here

September 21st, 2015 § 16,922 comments § permalink

 Hear Here is a non-profit roaming Salon which is as fun as it sounds. Reminiscent of the Italian Salons from the 16th century, each event has a host/hostess as well as contributors in music, poetry, and art gathered for one night in a surprise space in Toronto. I am excited to participate in this October 9th’s event and this event’s lineup looks amazing (the host is Shelley Hamilton, six poets, four musicians and thirteen visual artists). Join this new community for a showcase of Toronto and international talent on Friday, October 9th at 8pm!
You can purchase tickets ($25 donation) from this link:
The event location map has gradually been narrowing itself:
Hear here Oct 9 location_blog_cl
I’ve been working on a new kind of Replicators piece especially for this event. Here is a detail image of it in progress:
Christie Lau Replicators VI detail_blog_cl
Christie Lau Replicators VI detail2 blog_cl
Looking forward to a wonderful night!