The milky way above us

November 6th, 2015 § 2,035 comments § permalink

…and the water around us! Last March I went to Phuket for a dive in Koh Phi Phi. It was the first time I saw such lush and gigantic coral. Scuba diving is the closest I will ever get to knowing what it is like in space- the immensity of black water, the altered laws of movement and the disquieting notion that the body is dependent on a few devices that seem advanced and crude at the same time.
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The colours, textures and shimmer of the coral and animals were so striking I wanted to use them as inspiration for a Replicators piece.


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Just before we ascended we got caught in the middle of a bait ball. It was pretty trippy. The fish were silver as they approached vanishing point but up close they had red stripes and googly eyes.


Christie Lau bait ball

