Feeling hot!

February 9th, 2012 § 1,060 comments § permalink

I like boys with dark hair, and lots of it.

I agree with the lionesses! The males with the voluminous dark manes are striking. The darker his hair, the better his health and the higher the level of testosterone.  Under the African sun, however, it can take its toll. They are more easily spotted in the golden grass while hunting, and the heat increases the likelihood of abnormal sperm.

Sexual selection drives males to spend more of their resources on growing or maintaining these extravagant physical assets. In the same way, we value elaborate decorations, such as gold embroidery. Beauty is ridiculous, but it’s in our nature to appreciate  and be obsessed with it.

It persuades us to use extensive funds and labour to produce it, but it’s much more pleasurable looking at it than being or supplying it.

pant pant pant!

Somecat gimme a drink!


So Attractive

September 28th, 2011 § 1,539 comments § permalink

What makes a doe feel sexy?

roar roar roar roar

A stag has to fight for her (and all her friends). He has to roar the most often and the loudest!

If he is victorious he will have a harem of doe and he will still roar all the time because…

It’s an aphrodisiac for females, they come into heat faster when they hear his roars.

And it lets other males know who is dominant.

At dawn and evening, Stag roars and roars. It’s not uncommon for him to get too exhausted to lead a harem.

Soon another stag will take over. 🙁



August 30th, 2011 § 2,020 comments § permalink


detail, click to see larger!

detail, clickity click to see bigger


Square Foot Show

August 5th, 2011 § 11,124 comments § permalink

Hello jellos! From today to August 21st I will be participating in AWOL Gallery’s 9th annual and original Square Foot Show! Artist / Public Reception is on Saturday at 7 PM, at the gallery, TWIST, 1100 Queen Street West.

Gallery hours are Wednesday to Saturday 12-7pm, Sundays 12-5. There will be a lot of artists and I think it will be fun!

All the work is 12×12 in, priced at $225.

You can try to spot my animarlzs!! Here be clues:

Head Piercing into Body

Pygmalion Tiger (this time with more staarrsss)

Maybe see you there?



July 11th, 2011 § 2,121 comments § permalink

There is a baby boy, and he is born in the year of the rabbit.



June 27th, 2011 § 3,879 comments § permalink

I hope they won’t be mere stories one day.

3200 left

click image for detail

Three of the eight subspecies are extinct. We can’t bring them back with Venus wishes!



What a Mess!

June 8th, 2011 § 1,398 comments § permalink

As scavengers, vultures are meant to recycle the remains of the deceased. Their presence brings balance to the community. This equilibrium is threatened, however, as Egyptian vultures have been observed using stones to break open ostrich eggs, package of lives just beginning. Intelligence can be a wicked gift, as it does not necessarily guarantee the welfare of the whole.

detail of his feathers


This painting is a commissioned piece of my first painting using the acrylic inks! When I first started using this medium I tried using them with brushes and nibs, ’cause I was primarily drawing and wanted to use some colour for accents.

What a Mess, One!

And the reason why I couldn’t give this painting to my client is because I had traded artwork with my hot glass instructor at the Pittsburgh Glass Center, Jason Forck!

sabre tooth tiger skull of glass!!!

I thought it was a pretty unfair trade, since this really is the coolest thing in my studio. If you have been to my studio, you’ll know it’s the first thing I show guests…and here I am showing it all to you now! Okay. Too many dead animals. Bye!


Second Dance

May 30th, 2011 § 4,269 comments § permalink

The second Angry Alpine Ibex!


He is a commissioned piece. This is the first time I’ve repeated a painting, but I thought it was quite fun to re-imagine his fancy clothes and to give him a different personality by tweaking his face.


It’s Chilly

May 25th, 2011 § 2,672 comments § permalink

These are tropical monkeys living up north. The poor things eat bark, tree needles, and dig for grass beneath the snow. They have stubby tails because long tails freeze. When it’s snowy outside they roll into balls of fur or… sit in hot springs : )


This one is not in a hot spring : (


50 babies

May 7th, 2011 § 1,191 comments § permalink

Here is a guppy! A female guppy can hold all her babies (up to 50) inside her body for an average of 28 days. It is even possible to see the eyes of this livebearer’s babies through her skin. Once they are born, they are able to swim freely, eat and avoid predation. It sounds like a nightmare, but she’s ready to mate within a few hours of giving birth…so she must not think so.

To see guppy with baby eyes: CLICK

And popping them out: CLICK
