with the artist

November 30th, 2016 § 8,530 comments § permalink

You guys! I am very much looking forward to my second workshop with Navillus Gallery on Saturday, December 10th!


Workshop Date: December 10, 1pm

Price: $30 (visa/mastercard)

Contact: (416) 921-6467


110 Davenport Road, Toronto, ON



We will be using the same material I used to sculpt the daffodils in my MSR series. Participants will each receive a gold frame with a hand marbled paper and a name of his or her choice written in gold (a personal holiday gift!). Together, we will adorn our frames with flora and finish the sculptures with a small selection of beautiful pigments.






Each participant will receive a frame, a piece of marbled paper with gold calligraphy, pigment and two containers of apoxie sculpt. When RSVPing, please let the gallery know the name or word you would like.




Dolce Vita Luxury Magazine

November 20th, 2016 § 1,121 comments § permalink

Dolce Vita is a gorgeous magazine that curates a luxury lifestyle guide for the good life. Among their features on fashion, home decor and travel, Reflect: Tropic is their exclusive web article! Check out the link to see some pictures from opening night.

Until December 16th, you can also drop by the gallery to pick up your free copy of Dolce Mag!





Beautiful Bizarre

November 18th, 2016 § 1,145 comments § permalink

I would like to thank everybody who came out to the opening last night of REFLECT: TROPIC. I was so touched by all the support and notes of encouragement. I am also thrilled and incredibly honoured that the show is on the Beautiful Bizarre homepage today! Beautiful Bizarre is a quarterly available worldwide featuring emerging artists who redefine “new” contemporary art and that is of course, beautifully bizarre.

The exhibition will run until December 16th. We also plan on hosting a workshop on December 10th and I will update soon with the details.

Please click the photo below for a direct link to the post!






November 3rd, 2016 § 1,639 comments § permalink

I have been preparing for my third show at Navillus Gallery!



Opening Reception:

November 17th


110 Davenport Road

One of the two series I will be exhibiting is The Replicators. While hiking through Tortugera National Park, I was impressed with the variety of plant species and their many survival solutions, particularly the epiphytes. These plants survive many feet off the air, growing on top of branches of large trees.

Since the series began four years ago, I have been inspired by other gardens exhibiting wild growth and patterns. Coral, crystals, flowers and ferns are some of the forms that I abstract and synthesize in this new chapter. These pieces are a meditation on how replicators bloom, mutate, wither and spread. I am especially touched by their perseverance and potential.








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detail images





In the Beauty I Hide

April 7th, 2016 § 2,751 comments § permalink

Hello! I’m pleased to be exhibiting with an amazing group of Toronto artists this month. The exhibition will open on April 15th and run for two weeks in the cool part of town at Hermann & Audrey. Please RSVP to rally@hermannaudrey.com and special thank-you to Richard Anhert for being the pack leader.

Please find below the gallery’s introduction to the show:

Cranking up the cool factor on the Ossington strip, RALLY, new art concept space and rallying ground for Toronto creatives will host Toronto’s first Beautiful Bizarre-themed art show, In The Beauty I Hide on April 15 till April 28th at 12 Ossington Avenue. The show will feature 11 of Toronto’s leading artists from the New Contemporary movement, noted for their unique and distinctly Toronto contribution to the pop and pop-surrealist genre. Participating artists include Andy Kittmer, Richard Ahnert, Steven Chmilar, Alex Garant, Christie Lau, Paul Saari, Jay Dart, Harv Glazer, Samara ShuterElly Smallwood & Dave Krovblit, all of which are staples within Toronto’s burgeoning art scene.

in the beauty I hide


The image is a detailed shot of a new underwater Replicators piece which I will be posting soon. Hope to see you next week!


Hear Here

September 21st, 2015 § 16,922 comments § permalink

 Hear Here is a non-profit roaming Salon which is as fun as it sounds. Reminiscent of the Italian Salons from the 16th century, each event has a host/hostess as well as contributors in music, poetry, and art gathered for one night in a surprise space in Toronto. I am excited to participate in this October 9th’s event and this event’s lineup looks amazing (the host is Shelley Hamilton, six poets, four musicians and thirteen visual artists). Join this new community for a showcase of Toronto and international talent on Friday, October 9th at 8pm!
You can purchase tickets ($25 donation) from this link:
The event location map has gradually been narrowing itself:
Hear here Oct 9 location_blog_cl
I’ve been working on a new kind of Replicators piece especially for this event. Here is a detail image of it in progress:
Christie Lau Replicators VI detail_blog_cl
Christie Lau Replicators VI detail2 blog_cl
Looking forward to a wonderful night!


March 24th, 2015 § 2,525 comments § permalink

Happy News! Tussle Magazine is a stunning online magazine featuring in depth interviews with artists, curators, designers and photographers they believe are unique and represent Toronto art. I am honoured to be next to some exciting and beautiful artists in an interview with one of their talented writers, Judy Zhong!

Christie Lau_Tussle Magazine_blog_cl


To be forwarded to the article, click the image! The group show HUMAN // NATURE is still on exhibit until April 4th at Navillus Gallery.





February 21st, 2015 § 2,107 comments § permalink

The beautiful Navillus Gallery will be having a group exhibition for artists who work with one of my favourite themes… the natural world!

The exhibit includes pieces from friends such as Ian Busher and Daniel St-Amant as well as new friends: Tongson Chen, Peter Fischer, Julianne Gladstone, Phillipe Jacquet, Philip Sybal and Tony Taylor. Please join us for the opening on March 5th, from 6-8pm at Navillus Gallery (11o Davenport Road).

Click here for the facebook event!


BSS Connect!

April 30th, 2014 § 2,365 comments § permalink

Lifelong friendships begin in the halls of my high school, Bishop Strachan School. So many of my past classmates still amaze me with their wisdom, leadership and innovation in their fields. In addition to giving me the opportunity to be surrounded with so many admirable girls, BSS pushed me to be well rounded while giving me the space to be creative. A substantial proportion of my work ethic, how I express myself and my friends come from my roots at 298 Lonsdale Road. This is why I am so completely honoured to give an artist talk with Taylor Sullivan at the second BSS Alumnae Mentorship Program reception in the lovely Navillus Gallery.

BSS Connect! is the school’s mentorship programme, connecting Old Girls with one another so that we can achieve our biggest goals.



April 4th, 2014 § 1,792 comments § permalink

I am very much looking forward to my second solo exhibition with the beautiful Navillus Gallery, opening April 17th from 6-8pm!

Navillus will be exhibiting new pieces from The Replicators series as well as a couple of new and larger extensions from the Animal Citizens series. I am also really excited about a new series about de-extinction, Endlings. Leading up to the show, I will post these new pieces up here!

Details of the opening reception to come.
