Coo Coo

February 25th, 2015 § 993 comments

Sometimes when I see a sad and bullied pigeon I think about his or her dinosaur ancestors and the Simpsons episode (Treehouse of Horror V) where Homer accidentally makes a time machine out of his toaster. He repeatedly disturbs the past and causes chain reactions which snowball into strange realities where humans have evolved into different forms. After much trial and error,  he finally arrives at a present where humans are normal except they have lizard like tongues. So sometimes I imagine the sad pigeon is living in a catastrophic present.

The Simpsons storyline is based on a short story published in 1952 called “A Sound of Thunder” written by Ray Bradbury. In the future, Time Safari Inc. offers time traveling safaris to the late Cretaceous Era so that patrons can hunt dinosaurs. What a juicy plot!


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