Fastest I

January 25th, 2011 § 1,062 comments

The African cheetahs were almost wiped out after the ice age. I hope you all survived this miserably cold weekend!! I was up on Mt. Tremblant trying to ski, and it was -33 degrees celsius.

BBC’s Earth News just published an article about a unique subspecies of cheetahs! These are Asiatic cheetahs, which split from their African friends 30 000 years ago. The cheetah population crash, however, was around 10 000 years ago so these Asian cheetahs have a very different lineage.  Therefore, to conserve biodiversity, these Asian cheetahs shouldn’t breed with the African ones, even though cheetahs as a species are critically endangered.

To read more: Iran’s endangered cheetahs are a unique subspecies

I did a piece on the declining genetic stability of the cheetah this past summer. I will post it after this post!


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