Feeling hot!

February 9th, 2012 § 1,044 comments

I like boys with dark hair, and lots of it.

I agree with the lionesses! The males with the voluminous dark manes are striking. The darker his hair, the better his health and the higher the level of testosterone.  Under the African sun, however, it can take its toll. They are more easily spotted in the golden grass while hunting, and the heat increases the likelihood of abnormal sperm.

Sexual selection drives males to spend more of their resources on growing or maintaining these extravagant physical assets. In the same way, we value elaborate decorations, such as gold embroidery. Beauty is ridiculous, but it’s in our nature to appreciate  and be obsessed with it.

It persuades us to use extensive funds and labour to produce it, but it’s much more pleasurable looking at it than being or supplying it.

pant pant pant!

Somecat gimme a drink!


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