This tree is just outside my window. It has had full branches of hard red berries since the summer and I used to wonder why none of the animals would consume them. I even tried feeding them to some raccoons! The cornucopia of this sad red berry brought me to the conclusion that they were probably poisonous (and then I felt bad about the raccoons!)
Finally, in December, I detected movement outside my window. On one of the branches there was a black squirrel shoving evil berries into its mouth, and on the tree next to it, there was a brownish red one having the same menu. For the next few weeks, it was like that- a black one on my tree, and a reddish one on the other, safely eating harmless berries.
One day, I saw a pair of cardinals on my tree too! I realised that the animals were saving these berries for the winter, when life gets tougher for all Canadians.
I am so impressed with such self restraint, wise preparation and act utilitarianism from the animals! Nothing blooms in winter, but good things can last throughout.
I also learned that I should not pick berries prematurely in the summertime for raccoons (in case I start a famine).