
March 14th, 2011 § 1,033 comments

Capillary action is only one of the phenomenons of water. Water can be intricate and fleeting itself and yet mercilessly ravage our own delicate works. Whether water goes with gravity or against it, does evil or good, it will have no emotion.

Japanese Macaque

Unlike these Japanese snow monkeys. Linear description of them is threatened after a superficial meeting with water.

against gravity

The design of water dictates that things get lost and exquisite works revert to mush. The clip that stuck with me the most has been the houses ripped and submerged by the tsunami. My condolences to the victims in Japan who have lost their dear homes and are experiencing such violent heartbreak.

Sadly, also to the dolphins that were trapped in their sea pens and crushed against the rocks as fierce tides rose and fell repeatedly in Taiji.


§ 1,033 Responses to Saru"

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