April 21st, 2011 § 1,122 comments

Thank-you thank-you thank-you to old friends and new friends

click on the image to see the photos larger!

It was rewarding to curate the best work from these past two years and to see them fill a space. Reception of the work was all good (because really, I don’t think people just go up to artists and tell them their work sucks). What I mean to say is that I’m thrilled that some expo guests took the time to look at my mark making and read my statements, which is the best I could have hoped for!

detail from "Elude"

I am grateful for the opportunity to meet other artists and especially to talk with my teachers, Andrea Maguire and Stephen Yau. Special appreciation for my free labourers, the booth mate (who many mistook for the artist), and the technician, photographer, and food deliverer, Moomoo and Doodoo!


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